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Open Innovation Program

1. Looplex Open Innovation Program

1.1. What is the Looplex Open Innovation Program? To foster the ecosystem and democratize access to digital legal services, Looplex created an open innovation program for partners, enabling the provision of usage licenses and access to various tools within the System at reduced or no cost. It also includes participation in the Lawtex Community and offers differentiated conditions for distributed licensing of legal content in the Looplex Store, subject to specific program conditions and rules (“Open Innovation”).

1.2. Participation modalities in the program. The Open Innovation program is available to:
(a) Law students from qualified educational institutions, for educational purposes (“Academic License”);
(b) Graduates of Looplex Academy courses or other courses accredited or approved by Looplex, for educational purposes (also part of the “Academic License”);
(c) Members of the Judiciary individually or entities of the Judiciary using the tool to improve and democratize the delivery of judicial services to the population (“Public Sector License”);
(d) Approved non-profit entities providing pro bono or subsidized legal assistance services to underprivileged individuals (“Third Sector License”);
(e) Service providers classified as startups, micro and small businesses in the initial or pre-operational phases (the entire company or at least the legaltech services vertical) (“Startups License”);
(f) Looplex employees, service providers, and former employees wishing to continue using the System and SDK to offer consulting and Special Services in the legal market (“Looplex Alumni License”).

1.3. Non-commercial use and program purpose. All licenses and usage grants provided under the Open Innovation program are for personal and non-commercial use unless you have expressly been granted limited commercial use rights within your program modality. The program’s intention is to provide special conditions to promote education, access to justice, and early-stage entrepreneurship.

1.4. Academic License (eligibility). Eligible participants for the Open Innovation program under the Academic License modality include:
(a) Students enrolled and currently pursuing undergraduate or postgraduate studies in Law;
(b) Instructors, monitors, and professors not affiliated with an academic institution that is an Educational Partner of Looplex;
(c) Looplex Academy students.

1.5. Academic License (contents). Participants will have access to the Lawtex Community, System Documentation, an SDK license, and a System usage license to create, edit, and study Lawtex Templates and Components, as well as to generate Documents and Views from Templates for educational and learning purposes only. If you are in the program and wish to use or offer your Templates or third-party Templates in any commercial modality, you will need to acquire a license outside the Open Innovation Program.

1.6. Public Sector License (eligibility). Eligible participants for the Open Innovation program under the Public Sector License modality include:
(a) Judges, appellate judges, supreme court ministers, and their respective cabinet assistants or court directors assisting the magistrates in their judicial work (individual licenses);
(b) Courts of Justice, Regional Federal Courts, Regional Labor Courts, and Superior Courts, with magistrates and staff as users (corporate license).

1.7. Public Sector License (contents). Participants will have access to the Lawtex Community, System Documentation, an SDK license, and a System usage license to create and edit Lawtex Templates and Components, as well as to generate Documents and Views from Templates exclusively for delivering judicial services to the population (e.g., judicial decisions, warrants, notices, orders, etc.). If you are in the program and wish to use or offer your Templates or third-party Templates in any commercial modality or for other governmental or non-profit activities, such as providing services to state or federal attorneys general, public defenders, or prosecutors, you will need to acquire a license outside the Open Innovation Program.

1.8. Third Sector License (eligibility). Eligible participants for the Open Innovation program under the Third Sector License modality include:
(a) Student associations, OSCIPs, foundations, and non-profit entities approved by Looplex that provide entirely pro bono or subsidized legal assistance services to underprivileged individuals;
(b) Lawyers individually registered under the legal aid agreement between the Bar Association (OAB) and the Judiciary (subject to OAB accreditation);
(c) State or Federal Public Defender Offices.

1.9. Third Sector License (contents). Participants will have access to the Lawtex Community, System Documentation, an SDK license, and a System usage license to create and edit Lawtex Templates and Components, as well as to generate Documents and Views from Templates exclusively for providing free legal assistance to underprivileged individuals. If you are in the program and wish to use or offer your Templates or third-party Templates in any commercial modality, you will need to acquire a license outside the Open Innovation Program.

1.10. Startups License (eligibility). Eligible participants for the Open Innovation program under the Startups License modality include:
(a) Micro and small businesses with less than 24 months of existence or those that, until 24 months ago, did not operate in technology services related to Law, whether in the early operational phase or pre-operational phase;
(b) Special Looplex partners that have negotiated and signed a memorandum of understanding or equivalent document in which Looplex granted program participation to the partner company.

1.11. Startups License (contents). Participants will have access to the Lawtex Community, System Documentation, an SDK license, and a System usage license to create and edit Lawtex Templates and Components, as well as to generate Documents and Views from Templates exclusively to create Lawtex Templates or Components for distribution in the Store and/or to prepare a Licensed Application that will access the System, whether within or outside the Looplex Inside licensing. During your stay in the program, you may use the System and offer your Templates or third-party Templates in any commercial modality under differentiated conditions.

1.12. Program duration in the Open Innovation Program. The program duration periods for the Open Innovation Program are as follows:
(a) For the Academic License: 6 months, extendable for another 6 months if the participant is a regularly enrolled undergraduate Law student;
(b) For Public Sector License and Third Sector License, indefinite until notification from Looplex informing of the termination with 90 days’ notice, or for the term stipulated in an agreement or equivalent arrangement signed with a Public Sector entity;
(c) For Startups License, 6 months, extendable for an additional 3 months if the participant is still in a pre-operational phase. Leaving or terminating the Open Innovation Program does not imply revocation or cancellation of the usage license or any reduction in the intellectual property rights of the participant; it only means they will need to acquire licenses at market prices to continue using the System.

1.13. Only one Open Innovation Program modality per entity. Individuals or entities enrolling in the Open Innovation Program may not simultaneously participate in more than one modality (Academic, Public Sector, Third Sector, Startup, or Alumni). However, while using any Looplex licenses within the program, there will be no restrictions on acquiring additional licenses and services from Looplex under normal market rules and pricing.

1.14. General restrictions and application of Terms of Use and other rules. Looplex reserves all rights outlined in its Terms of Use and other current contracts and policies not expressly exempted or amended in the Open Innovation Program. For example, this license prohibits and does not grant any additional rights to:
(i) Use or virtualize System features separately;
(ii) Publish, copy (other than the permitted backup copy), rent, lease, or lend the System, Templates, or Lawtex Components;
(iii) Transfer System licenses and special rights from the Open Innovation Program, except as allowed by the Terms of Use;
(iv) Circumvent any System restrictions or technical limitations;
(v) Use the Looplex Platform Appliance or SDK for commercial hosting, making the System available to users outside the participating entity of the Open Innovation Program or non-direct recipients of non-commercial services provided by the participating entity (e.g., students from an educational institution or individuals accessing judicial services), except for limited demonstrations and Test Licenses.

1.15. General restrictions for Lawtex content in the program. Looplex may, at any time, create or modify restrictions on the licensing of Exclusively Distributed or Non-Exclusively Distributed Lawtex Templates and Components for Open Innovation Program participants. These restrictions may pertain to the geographic scope of licensing, pricing limits, differentiated Store Fee percentages, among other factors. Program membership may also require that certain Templates and Lawtex Components be licensed under Permissive Open or Shared Open models to better meet program objectives. The requirement may vary from participant to participant.

1.16. Usage restrictions for program participants. Participants may have individual or corporate accounts in SDK environments or environments separate from the production environments of other commercial clients. Looplex may:
(a) Impose maximum usage limits for generating Documents and Views, per Template monthly or even per Template version uploaded for development and testing phases;
(b) Restrict export formats of Documents and Views, with exports potentially marked with watermarks;
(c) Restrict the use of computationally overly complex Templates that overload the environment or have a high processing cost within the System, with this information provided at the time of uploading the Template to the platform, which will calculate this complexity and cost algorithmically;
(d) Restrict the use of certain smart actions and API parts, when applicable.

1.17. Access to participant data and telemetry. Participants may face restrictions under Looplex’s Privacy Policy, as the company may audit, algorithmically or through human curation, the content of committed code to verify compliance with the program and licensing modality in which the participant is enrolled. Any blocking of Looplex’s data access may result in immediate disqualification from the program, regardless of notification or warning. For the Public Sector License, Looplex may access personal data that becomes public in judicial processes as defined and authorized under the Brazilian General Data Protection Law.

1.18. Qualification and disqualification criteria for the program. Looplex may review the qualification criteria for the Open Innovation Program. From time to time, Looplex may conduct online or telephone surveys or even visit participants in person to confirm the conditions for program participation, potentially suspending System access without prior notice if the status cannot be confirmed. If fraud in the program is detected, Looplex may retroactively charge all discounted or waived amounts at the highest list price applied since program entry, plus a 100% penalty on all amounts and late interest until full payment is made.