Educational Partnership
Thank you for your interest in forming an educational partnership with Looplex Academy to teach programming logic, legal architecture, legal engineering, data science for Law, and/or the production of Lawtex Templates and Components through courses, workshops, lectures, or other teaching formats. This Educational Partnership Agreement is part of the Terms of Use and License, includes all references implicitly or explicitly mentioned therein, describes the relationship between You and Looplex (“Looplex,” “Licensor,” “we,” “us,” or “our”), and governs your use of the System to teach content to clients and partners.
The teaching materials of Looplex Academy consist of example documents, slide presentations, exercises, videos, teaching plans, Templates, Lawtex Components, a knowledge base of tubes and legal engineering, SDK, Lawtex language documentation, and documentation for creating BI and Templates in “low code” or “no code” format (“Teaching Materials”) and constitute the intellectual property of Looplex. Looplex values its intellectual property and seeks to protect it. The way Looplex’s intellectual property may be used varies depending on the User’s relationship with Looplex.
1. System Licensing
1.1. System Usage License. When the course program offered by an Academic Institution (“Educational Partner”) involves teaching programming in Lawtex or using the System to teach legal logic, visual law, and general legal design techniques, the Educational Partner will receive an Academic Institution License to use the System and SDK, and may sublicense it to its Educators, other employees authorized by Looplex, and course students (“Educational Community”). Each Academic Institution License will include its own access profile to use the System in the Looplex Academy development environment and other restricted access profiles as necessary to fulfill this Agreement.
1.2. License for Educators and Other Authorized Employees. The Academic Institution License granted to Educators and other authorized employees of the Educational Partner will remain valid as long as these Users work for the Educational Partner and as long as the Agreement between the Educational Partner and Looplex is in effect.
1.3. License for Students of the Educational Partner. The Academic Institution License will remain valid for the duration of the course and an additional 120 (one hundred and twenty) days from the course’s end date, extendable for up to 12 additional months if the student is regularly enrolled in a Law school. If the student’s relationship with the Educational Partner ends for any reason before the course ends, their System usage license may be immediately terminated.
1.4. Academic Use Only. The Academic Institution License granted by Looplex under this Agreement is for academic or research use only. Educational Community users may not use this license to offer and provide legal services or other commercial services beyond strictly academic purposes. For this, you must have one of Looplex’s commercial licenses. Looplex’s intention is to provide special conditions to promote education, not for companies, law firms, and lawyers to access its services other than through regular subscriptions and commercial service agreements.
1.5. Academic License vs. Academic Institution License. Under the Open Innovation Program, a student may have a non-commercial account for academic purposes, called an Academic License, which is different from an Academic Institution License. The Academic License is individual, lacks administrative control, and allows the student to work in a shared Document and Template environment with other users who have Academic Licenses. The Academic Institution License, on the other hand, supports multiple users and enables the Academic Institution to control access, create and delete users, separate students into areas or groups, assign differentiated access profiles to Educators and other staff, and prevent sharing access to Documents and Templates with third parties outside the Academic Institution.
1.6. Price of the Academic Institution License. The subscription cost for the Educational Partner license depends on the number of users:
2. Subscription Cost for Educational Partner License
Subject to compliance with the fair and non-abusive use policy
2.1. Fair and Non-Abusive Use. A small number of users can generate large volumes of traffic and computational demand on our network, potentially impacting the service we provide to other clients. Our fair and non-abusive use policy is designed to ensure all our clients receive a fast and reliable service and to ensure Academic Licenses and Academic Institution Licenses do not harm Looplex’s pricing model.
2.1.1. Non-Abusive Use and Unlimited Services. All Looplex Academic Institution License plans, including but not limited to those offering unlimited usage, are subject to the Educational Community’s use of the service within a reasonable usage range, ensuring no excessive network capacity consumption, economic infeasibility of continued subscription, and/or adverse effects on Looplex’s ability to provide services to other clients and users. Examples of excessive or abusive usage include:
(a) Automations, Smart Actions, or third-party API consumption generating higher computational demands or costs than the subscription paid by the Licensee or Educational Partner;
(b) Generating Documents from a Template except for academic testing and demonstration;
(c) Uploading and executing Templates with complexity or size exceeding twice or three times the computational demand of an average Template running in paid corporate accounts;
(d) Machine-to-Machine Document generation, except for academic testing and demonstration;
(e) Usage deviating significantly from other users or Academic Institutions. -
2.1.2. Measures to Deter Abusive Use. If abusive usage by one or more users of the Educational Partner is detected, Looplex may:
(a) Reduce call priority and temporarily limit Document generation speed and quantity, View creation, Smart Action execution, API requests, or other requests;
(b) Directly request the User or Educational Institution to moderate behavior;
(c) Temporarily block access to the entire or specific functionalities of the System;
(d) Delete Templates or refuse their execution requests;
(e) Disconnect the User or the entire Educational Partner account.
2.2. Sublicensing the System for Commercial Purposes. The Educational Partner may distribute and sublicense the System to students and alumni for purposes beyond strictly academic and research usage. This, however, cannot be done under the Academic Institution License. To facilitate this, the Educational Partner may:
(a) Refer the student or alumni to acquire a subscription directly from Looplex, potentially earning commissions under the Sales Mediation Partnership;
(b) Add and manage the student or alumni as a user under the Educational Partner’s corporate account, separate from the Academic Institution License account;
(c) Offer the System’s features within its own platform or solution, if holding a Looplex Inside license.
3. Educational Partners
3.1. Reproduction of Teaching Materials. The Educational Partner, its Educators, and other employees authorized by Looplex may access, download, and/or reproduce all Teaching Materials provided by Looplex, either electronically or physically. Teaching Materials provided to the Educational Partner must not be sold separately; they must be used solely within the course or program offered and can only be shared with the partner’s students. Copies must not be distributed to third parties or authorized for reproduction.
3.1.1. Copies of Teaching Materials. Copies of Teaching Materials may be posted for use by the Educational Community on the Educational Partner’s internal intranet or website, provided they are not accessible to individuals outside the Educational Community (i.e., they must not be viewed or accessed by the general public). Copies of these documents may also be placed on external sites, wikis, or cloud services that the Educational Partner uses instead of its own site to communicate information and materials to the Educational Community; however, such copies, sites, or wikis must not be accessible to individuals outside the Educational Community.
3.1.2. Citation of Teaching Materials. Schools may cite Teaching Materials for teaching purposes and to provide information to the Educational Community. Citations may also be included in the school’s internal documents. The cited material must be acknowledged as the property of Looplex. The title and publication date of the original material must also appear in the citation, or if no publication date exists, the date the material was made available to the Educational Partner.
3.1.4. Teaching Materials Made Public by Looplex. Educational Partners may reproduce electronically or physically any Teaching Materials made available for download on Public Sites, provided the materials remain exactly as downloaded and are not altered. Educational Partners may share these Teaching Materials in print or electronically on their own site. However, the Educational Partner must not share Teaching Materials on third-party sites or upload them to any type of electronic file-sharing service.
3.2. Teaching Plan Templates. For courses developed independently or in partnership with third parties, Looplex has consolidated teaching plan templates (“Teaching Plan Templates”), which may be made available to Educational Partners and third parties authorized by Looplex as part of the Teaching Materials.
3.2.1. Reproduction of Teaching Plan Templates. Educational Partners (and their Educators and other authorized employees) may reproduce Teaching Plan Templates provided by Looplex, either electronically or physically.
3.2.2. Acknowledgment of Intellectual Property. Whenever a Teaching Plan Template is reproduced, the line “© Looplex <Teaching Plan Template Year>” must be included to indicate that the Teaching Plan Template is the intellectual property of Looplex, licensed to the Educational Partner.
3.2.3. No Public Sharing of Teaching Plan Templates. Schools must not share Teaching Plan Templates on third-party sites or upload them to any type of electronic file-sharing service.
4. Educators of Educational Partners
4.1. Sharing Content with Students. Educators of an Educational Partner have the same rights to reproduce Teaching Materials as the Educational Partner when acting on its behalf. Educators may create a website or wiki for their students, independent of the Educational Partner’s site. In such cases, they may place copies of Teaching Materials provided by Looplex on these sites or wikis, following the rules for Educational Partners outlined in this Agreement, provided these sites or documents can only be accessed by the Educator’s students.
4.2. Adherence to the Agreement’s Scope. Educators generally perform other roles within an Educational Partner. Educators may only use Teaching Materials as specified in this Educational Partnership Agreement. Any use of Teaching Materials outside the scope of the license grant would be considered a violation.
4.3. Independent Activities of Educators. When an Educator is not acting on behalf of the Educational Partner they work for—for example, if an Educator provides private tutoring services, performs Developer services, or creates private content—the Educator must not reproduce Teaching Materials or Teaching Plan Templates provided by Looplex to the Educational Partner they work for, or any materials or documents containing extracts of the Teaching Materials, without authorization from Looplex and the Educational Partner.
5. Students and Alumni
5.1. License for Student Materials Use. Students of Looplex or the Educational Partner retain the copyright to all materials they submit for academic evaluation. By submitting these materials, students grant Looplex a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license, effective for the duration of the applicable jurisdiction’s copyright, to: (i) reproduce the submitted materials; (ii) use the student’s image and voice in audio or video materials where they appear; and (iii) reproduce, for evaluation, training, educational, commercial, and/or promotional purposes related to Looplex’s activities, any presentations or testimonials by the student. These licenses will take effect on the date the materials are submitted to Looplex or the Educational Partner.
5.2. Sharing Materials. Students and alumni of Looplex and the Educational Partner may wish to create online or physical materials detailing their study experiences with Looplex or the Educational Partners or offering advice to other students and alumni of Looplex or the Educational Partners. Looplex encourages sharing content and experiences, promoting the development of the Lawtex Community. However, no Looplex Teaching Materials may be used, in whole or in part, online or in physical media, outside the rules of this Agreement without Looplex’s authorization.
6. Third Parties Without Looplex Affiliation
Use of Teaching Materials by Third Parties. Third parties without affiliation to Looplex are not permitted to reproduce any Teaching Materials, Teaching Plan Templates, or content available on Sites without authorization from Looplex. Unauthorized use of Looplex Teaching Materials and other content constitutes copyright infringement, and Looplex will take all legal measures to stop the use and seek due compensation, including but not limited to losses and damages.
7. Independent Material Production
Independent Material Production. Looplex requests that the Educational Partner, members of the Educational Community, and third parties creating materials to share with other members of the Educational Community, members of the Lawtex Community, or third parties include a disclaimer stating that their materials or products are not endorsed by Looplex, whenever these materials have not been previously submitted to Looplex and may lead to material consequences due to third-party reliance on their accuracy. We recommend the following disclaimer, or a similar statement in the same spirit, be included in such materials:
“This work/product/service was developed independently and has not been reviewed or endorsed by Looplex.”
8. Referencing Looplex
8.1. Educational Partners. The Educational Partner may reference Looplex in its websites, advertisements, and materials, provided the reference includes a mention of the teaching partnership established with Looplex. Additionally, it must be made clear that the Educational Partner is solely responsible for implementing the courses and the quality of the teaching.
8.2. Educational Community and Lawtex Community. When referring to Looplex’s registered trademarks and the names of its products and services, members of the Educational Community or the Lawtex Community may use Looplex’s trademarks in text (e.g., as part of descriptive text or subtitles) solely to reference Looplex’s products and services.
9. Intellectual Property
9.1. Copyrighted Materials. The Teaching Materials, as well as the websites and publications of Looplex Academy, are copyrighted by Looplex. The way you may use Looplex’s copyrighted content depends on your relationship with Looplex.
9.2. Looplex Trademarks. Looplex owns the registered trademarks Looplex® and Lawtex®. These trademarks and their respective logos are used by Looplex and may be licensed to third parties, allowing them to show their relationship with Looplex. The use of these trademarks and logos is restricted.
9.3. Use of Looplex Logos. An Educational Partner implementing one or more courses, disciplines, or programs, whether authored by Looplex or independently, using Teaching Materials and/or Teaching Plan Templates in whole or in part, may only use the logos exactly as downloaded or received (although proportional resizing is allowed if necessary) and must not alter them in any way. No additions may be made to the logos, and the colors must not be changed. Educational Partners and authorized third parties must not create or develop logos or insignias that resemble or violate any of Looplex’s registered trademarks or logos.
9.4. Preservation of Looplex Trademarks. Educational Partners must not take any actions that could harm the validity or enforceability of Looplex’s trademarks, including, but not limited to, registering trademarks, domain names, or company names that are identical or similar to, or contain any of Looplex’s trademarks, whether in Portuguese, English, or the Educational Partner’s local language.
9.5. Educational Partner Names and Logos. Educational Partners must not use the terms “Looplex” and “Lawtex,” nor incorporate Looplex or Lawtex logos into:
(i) Creating their own trademarks or logos;
(ii) Registering any trademark application in any jurisdiction to protect a nominative trademark or logo;
(iii) Incorporating the terms into the name of the educational institution, company, or law firm, whether officially or unofficially;
(iv) Creating and using other products such as merchandise, legal services, or non-legal products and services.
9.5.1. No License Grant. Looplex will not grant a license to use the System, SDK, or Teaching Materials to any educational institution, company, or law firm that uses any of the above terms in its own name or logo, or incorporates any of Looplex’s logos into its own logo.
9.5.2. Referential Use. Whenever an Educational Partner or third party wishes to develop materials, products, or services for System Users or potential Users, the nominative trademarks above must not be incorporated into the name or title of the materials, product, or service. However, referential use of Looplex’s nominative trademarks (i.e., as part of descriptive text or subtitles) by the Educational Partner or third parties to indicate that the material, product, or service is intended for Users and potential Users of the System is permitted, provided no endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation with Looplex is claimed or implied beyond the explicitly pre-established partnership with Looplex.
10. No Joint Venture or Partnership
No Partnership or Joint Venture. The Educational Partnership and Looplex are not partners in fact or law and do not constitute any type of joint venture. Nothing herein shall be construed to make them joint-venture partners or impose any such responsibility on either party. Looplex’s sole objective is to increase awareness of its System, thereby fostering its business. The sole objective of the Educational Partnership is to provide the teaching services it has set out to offer. The materials, clients, and goodwill of each party remain exclusively their own.