Setup - Logic Views and Flows
Document Lifecycle Management (Contracts and Disputes)
Looplex Automation Strategy
We learned from the repeated failures of other legal tech companies attempting to map legal content from petitions and contracts using artificial intelligence and natural language processing (NLP).
For this reason, Looplex’s strategy from the beginning has been to execute content automation using deterministic logic while going beyond the concept of a mere document assembler. We aimed to become an expert system, capable of storing the concept of legal entities and structured data being processed, allowing these same data to be used in different contexts.
We understood that expanding the capture of data related to project management, personnel management, and even the financial aspects of a law firm would grant us much greater capabilities and enable the automation of many aspects of legal analytics and the lifecycle management of contracts or disputes.
Thus, our system starts from automated document generation (or analysis of an external document, with a conceptually similar question flow), integrated with the lifecycle execution of the legal service based on the semantic “meaning” of the generated content, controlling terms, dates, parties, and conditions.
Case: The Repository for the Entire Project
In Looplex, Cases are entities that maintain a centralized electronic record of transaction data such as lawsuits, contracts, corporate documents, and more. By centralizing data capture, storage, and sharing, Cases play an important role in providing information for legal service management, risk reduction, and operational efficiency.
Cases contain information related to a contract or dispute at any time, from the initial engagement request by the client (internal or external) to the workflow of the legal matter, including record of changes, tasks, resource allocation, and associated contingencies.
Content and Policy Mapping
When building an integrated lifecycle solution for disputes or contracts, legal engineering best practices recommend mapping and associating the following with the Case:
Transaction Data. Basic economic data of the legal matter, such as value, deadlines, related products or services, counterpart information, relevant underlying data, operational data, and event data.
Typical transaction data categories include:
Document type – Indicates whether the user is generating a contract, petition, proposal, contract analysis, or another type of document based on the Looplex standard classification.
Operational data – Data used by the Case for internal management purposes, such as transaction number, participant account number, court case number, etc., and information related to whether the document was negotiated and signed/e-filed electronically, if any part of the document lifecycle occurred outside the platform (risk of non-compliance), etc.
Product or service information – Data to classify or identify the object of the transaction, such as the product or service being supplied or the legal act giving rise to a dispute (remote cause of action).
Transaction object – Identification of the obligational binary in the transaction (performance vs counter-performance or act vs reparation), such as buying and selling, lending and borrowing, donation and acceptance, proximate cause of action, and claim, etc.
Economic transaction data – Material terms of a transaction impacting its valuation, including effective or expiration dates, termination dates, notional, forecasted, and contingent values, payment schedules, and others.
Counterparty information – Necessary data to uniquely identify an entity as a counterparty in a transaction, such as headquarters address, entity type, parent organization, and country of domicile.
Underlying information – Identification of registry authorities or adjudicating bodies, data protection rules, ancillary obligations, etc.
Policies and Engagement Rules
In addition to mapping transaction data, Looplex configures an organization’s positions, risks, and policies into Digital Playbooks. These standardize how contracts and petitions are reviewed, negotiated, and/or responded to across the organization, ensuring risk compliance and consistent experience. This creates a framework for executing the document lifecycle.
Categories of playbook configurations include:
- Refer to the Digital Playbooks page – Content already outlined in the digital playbooks documentation.
Data Aggregation Methodology
Looplex links the content mapped with the client during the setup phase to a system for identifying legal entities (legal entity identification), represented in the semantic reference model contained in Looplex’s Legal Common Data Model or its projections for specific legal verticals, which are mapped in the use cases.