Release 31/03/2023
Assembler 2
Data Extraction
Add pdf-lib to merge PDFs in circle up (#362256, #34532).
Improvements in saving information to persist data.
Enhancements in PDF visualization when reopening the modal.
Improvements in how dates and times behave in registration to facilitate input.
Default columns that cannot be disabled in all task tables.
Table for agenda module with pagination and number of items in view.
Professional agenda filter shows only items where the user is the executor.
Professional lists show only active professionals.
Title filter for the agenda module.
Agenda “complete” button is now “execute.”
Ability to link a URL to the completion of an agenda (to function correctly, it must be associated with a workflow).
Values, Requests, Calculations, and Guarantees
Fixes and adjustments in the functionality of calculation buttons + update messages.
Forecasted and contingency values are no longer free and now reflect the sum of request values; legacy remains divergent until the user edits the screen via cases.
Request risks follow the main risk to simplify input.
Updated forecasted and contingency values respect the percentage of risk defined in the calculation template.
Request groups linked to case types.
View of requests by group in the request list.
Guarantees can be associated with requests.
Warning of existing guarantee/request linked when removing a guarantee or request.
Fixed error that failed to calculate on a day of the month when the index had not yet been included for calculation.
Search, Case List, and General Registration
Process information report no longer shows errors when the firm does not have a logo associated with the Cases database.
Case closure modal shows uncompleted items and lists guarantees.
View of subcase hierarchy within the case file.
Local hierarchy of consultative cases now shows country, state, and city.
Removed the requirement for court and forum in editing.
Display names for contract cases.
Use of ID (cdprocesso) as the primary number for locating cases.
Usability improvements in editing parties.
Main party appears as the first party in the case file header.
Removed the requirement for the involvement field in the party section.
Added active and passive party columns to the case list (displays the main party or the first party in alphabetical order).
Attachments working correctly and integrated with Looplex GED.
External number not mandatory for consultative cases.
Deactivation of additional information (supplementary data).
Mandatory supplementary data fields.
Supplementary text information with a scroll bar in card view.
Search in supplementary information content.
Search functions only with 3+ characters.
Case phase displayed on the Timeline.
Added responsible office field to the responsible parties card.